Congregation Dor Chadash is a synagogue for individuals and
families serving reform and conservative Jewish communities.
Weekly Shabbat Services
We greet the Sabbath with “Shabbat Shalom” as we meet family and friends on Friday evening or Saturday morning. The Torah teaches that God created the world as we know it in six days and rested on the seventh.
The 4th Commandment (of the Ten Commandments) is to “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”
The Sabbath day is to be spent in study, rest, being with family and doing meaningful or relaxing activities. We read from the Prophets, as their teachings impact our history and our present life.
Bring your family and join our synagogue family for Shabbat services
- Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Life Cycle Events
Members of our congregation can turn to our synagogue for life’s important moments:
- Brit Milah (circumcision or Bris) or baby Simhat Bat (baby naming)
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah
- Confirmation
- Marriage
- Sickness and Passing
At Dor Chadash, we believe the celebration and recognition of these life cycle events builds our religious connections, allows for spiritual expression, and strengthens our community.
Rabbi J. and Cantor D. look forward to being by you and your family’s side for these meaningful occasions. Please get in touch with us, if you would like to learn more about the role Congregation Dor Chadash can play in your life cycle events.
B’nai Mitzvah Club
Dor Chadash is excited to celebrate numerous
B’nai Mitzvahs coming this year!
Our Bnai Mitzvah students gather for Shabbatons, social gatherings and learning. To get more information, please email Rabbit@dorchadashmiami.org
Creative Confirmation
Congregation Dor Chadash knows how busy the life of a teenager can be. Therefore, we have developed a “Creative Confirmation Class” that teaches multiple Jewish values through a formal class and encourages real life, informal education to supplement regular meetings.
Requirements for confirmation:
- Confirmation class is for 10th and 11th grade students.
- Students will meet with Rabbi Tabachnikoff twice a month for a wonderful curriculum based on ethical decision making and values.
- Participants will be required to volunteer once a month with an organization or project of their choosing.
- One alternative choice of Jewish activity is required for confirmation. This can be another service project, a youth group, Jewish sport league, etc. Our confirmation class culminates with a class trip to Washington, D.C. and a confirmation ceremony which takes place in May of each year.
Jewish Experience School
Our wonderful Jewish Experience School (JES) is run by Director Lara Bukens and taught by excellent professionals.
Religious school meets on Sundays from
10 am – 12:00 pm.
Our curriculum includes: Hebrew language, prophets, music and Midrash, creative projects, holiday celebrations, Jewish value conversations, volunteer projects and other engaging forms of education.
Bagels and Bible
All are welcome to join every Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
Bagels and Bible, led by Rabbi Tabachnikkof, is a wonderful opportunity to gather with old friends and meet new ones. Help yourself to a bagel add some shmear, pour yourself a big cup of Joe as we embark on intriguing discussions based on the week’s Torah portion.
All-Inclusive Community
Congregation Dor Chadash is an inclusive congregation with members of varied levels of observance.
Interfaith families and Jews by choice are an integral part of our synagogue family. We appreciate and welcome diverse family structures into our community.
Dor Chadash, with its active Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Religious School and members of all ages, makes us a unique family who truly cares about one another, the world we live in and our South Miami-Dade Jewish Community.
(305) 595-3838
9.00 am – 6.00 pm